Like I said 2 posts ago..... I did piss myself..... all over Bishpot infact as revenge..... and also cos I'm into that sort of thing.....
As you can probably see by the blog post below, I have been 'fraped' ( A term for when someone hacks your facebook/twitter/blog/anything and writes something embarassing or evil) by none other that Bishpot...

She is a bitch.

People who 'frap' people are bitches - they should learn not to do this...

Anyway, I will be getting her back, when she least expects it ;)

Gonna get pissed later AND PISS MYSELF! I WILL EMPTY MY BLADDER ALL OVER SHANNY'S FACE oooooooh it'll be soooooooooo sexy G

My interwebs has broken, so how the hell am I gonna update blogs and do coursework / extended work projects and shit???

My geogarz teacher said if I didn't finish my stupid essay on stupid earthquakes then she's going to put me on a 'homework contract' 

I don't think you could possibly find anyone anywhere in the world that actually literally couldn't give a shit about Twilight. Really I don't. None of us are like "OMG *orgasms* TWILIGHT." But also none of particularly hate it either, (except for when people are CONSTANTLY talking about it).

  Anyway, having seen the reaction videos on Bishhpot's blog, I'm thinking we should make our own. Really I think we should, I reackon it would literally just be us all looking completely gormless at the screen, bored out of our minds... But it would still be quite entertaining...

So watch this space...
     Recently, I have found myself lamenting over the loss of my brilliant Peaches Geldof impression, so in a bid to find a video that wasn't simply her saying *like* about 1000 times over, I found myself on her area of the Nylon website, where she reveals how *she's not a follower of fashion* and  *would rather look like the (dirty) Courtney Love than the (overstyled) Victoria Beckham. Anyway, I found a really quite pointless article where she claims youtube is wonderful and blah blah blah you get the picture. In this article. she reccomends a   * Tonetta777 *  interested, I decided to take a look, and I'm glad that I did, for what follows is something that you may forget in 4 hours, or may scar you for life...