This is us shortly after purchasing our gorgeous new berets. They were just £ euros and look fabulous! Unfortunately, Shannon's face doesn't.
Us in a random field, with a sexy new hat found in a summerhouse. It's a bit battered but has plently of potential. I think our poses really work here, apart from Emma's one, since she looks a bit awkward - she has room for improvement.
Ok so another toilet mirror shot, unfortunately our poses kinda failed on this one...
Ok so our first post on WWWT, obviously none of us have a decent camera at that moment, or a decent mirror, so this is what you get :P
    Shanny and I decided that, after seeing my cousins really quite wanky website where she takes a pisture of herself in a mirror and posts it online, we decided that we would do a similar thing ourselves. 

  P.S. don't expect awesome dress sense, or an actual post everyday...