So this is now the first Monday of our summer holidays. We don't seem to have much to do this summer, particularly me and Emma (I'm assuming Zoe has stuff to do).
With no money, no job, or any hobbies, I decided to spend a good few hours researching activities and stuff that could be done during July/August and found a few good events/festivals to go to. And yes, they are free!

So, I'm now going to compile a list of nice things to do when you are a teenager with no job and no money!

1. The first one is one which I have been to before - Devizes Carnival and Internation Street Festival! I went last year with the famalam and thought it would be a bit boring and dull. I was had loads of nice noms being served on the streets and well amusing acts walking around and performing on the streets, in the centre of town. This was a very enjoyable day and I would recommend it to on the link to find out more.
2. Bristol Balloon Fiesta!
This is a pretty sweet festival that I went to a few years back with the family...there's loads to do and lots to nom. It takes place on a large area of ground and people visiting can expect to see an extraordinary amount of balloons around the place. There are stalls and music acts (if I can remember rightly) and the most exciting part of the night - HSBC Nightglow, if you go on the right night. This nightglow thingy is all about a ton of balloons being lit up in time with the music, in the dark - quite pretty.
GO TO IT, IT'S FUN. Takes place from the 12th to 15th of August.

3. Bristol Harbour Festival! Another exciting festival (it's all free), however I haven't been to this one yet, but plan to. It takes place from 30th July to 1st August and looks like writing anymore :)
 I was somewhat disgusted to see on my television screen what appeared to be an advert involving the new Twilight movie and the new Volvo car.
So just because frigging Edward Cullen drives a silly volvo everywhere in the twilight films, Volvo decide they want to advertise with him in it?!
They should be ashamed of their choice of advertising technique because Edward Cullen is a bit of a douche and we on this site do not like him at all.